Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Arrives! The Gatchellville Store

The best part of Spring, (next to the flowers, the birds, the weather, and the sunshine), is the opening of my best friends, Linda and Carroll's store.

Their store is located in the tiny Southern York County town of Gatchellville. In fact Gatchellville is soo small that it only exists on the map as New Park PA.

Lucky for me that their store is only minutes from  my door to theirs, because I am there almost every weekend. It is a little part nostalgic magic, a lotta part charming, and the best place around to meet friends old and new and usually Carroll is on the porch playing his guitar as the Amish wagons roll by. It is every bit the picture of an Americana postcard as you will ever find.

Their store is open March through October on Saturdays and Sundays.
The store is the original community country store and has been there (relatively untouched since the 1940's) since the turn of the (last) century. It maintains its old original tin ceiling, floors, doors, shelving, and atmosphere.

Linda and Carroll have both been antique dealers for (umm, I won't quantify), let's just say many years.

Their store only houses original "real" antiques. They do not carry any crafts or collectibles. Only genuine, authentic antiques. It is a veritable treasure trove of great stuff and all is very affordably priced.

If you are not as lucky as I am and if Gatchellville isn't right around the corner for you then I would suggest the following. Call ahead and Linda will open the store for you. Also I love the three orchards within minutes of their store. Maple Farms, in New Park, Blevins in Stewartstown  PA , and Shaw Orchards also in Stewartstown PA.

Stop at Summers Ice Cream in Stewartstown, PA. And do some additional antiquing in Shrewsbury PA. (Although the best antiques really are at Linda and Carrolls).

Enjoy the tour of the opening day 2012!

P.S. I left with three bags!

The "back room," is mostly Carrolls contributions. He likes the more rustic tools. This is Joe's favorite room. I am with Linda, I like the knick knack dog items, linens, and housewares.

Linda is a button collector. She has some beautiful ones. 

If you happen to stumble upon a sticker that has this on it (K with a heart) LEAVE IT! It's for me! I will be by to pick it up later.

The boys around the woodstove. I get to go shopping and Joe gets to gossip. A perfect country day. (Linda waves in the background).

A bunch of 1930-940 arcade cards. They are hilarious! A great party idea. 

Spring 2024. A Party Barn and a New Set Of Twins To Share It All With

  The first warm day calls us all outside. To see, and smell the new life. Frippie likes to lead. reminding me to stop and take pause,,, for...