Saturday, March 11, 2023

Easter 2023

I am so fortunate to have so much of my mom still around me. She loved the holidays,, she passed that along to me. Spring, all things bright, blooming and small and soft were also intoxicating. Anything Spring, any holiday it holds, were her favorites. Easter,, not the religious kind, but the color and new life kind, was the pen-ultimate.

Easter dinner,, My parents house in Staunton Virginia.
Many years ago.

Every year we would make each other an Easter basket. We also always had an Easter egg hunt. The more bright, gaudy and lavish the better. No plastic, no store bought stuff. It was always treasures we collected over the year to save for that bright, albeit still chilly day when the daffodils were just at their peak and the snowdrops had hung their hats and bowed out for season.

One of the many Easter baskets I gave my mom.
I found it tucked away in her keepsake closet as I cleaned her house after her passing.

Here are some of her favorite things.. safely nestled in my old stone home for the next twinkle of a Spring to come calling,

The basket is back at my house,, next to all of the others.
Home is where our hearts lay.

One of my moms favorite Easter collectibles are the cardboard German candy containers


There are lots of horizontal surfaces for display,, but there is always one place that gets its own seasonal change-over; the baking counter. Frippie, my beagle, keeps the countertop quiet with her bed below.

The dining room table takes the other center stage for more Easter fare.

Let nature guide your color palette.

Here's to transforming your home in to a pastel speckled hope-springs-eternal inner sanctuary.

Wishing you and all of the colorful people in your life a wonderful Spring holiday,, whichever one makes your heart happiest.

Spring 2024. A Party Barn and a New Set Of Twins To Share It All With

  The first warm day calls us all outside. To see, and smell the new life. Frippie likes to lead. reminding me to stop and take pause,,, for...