Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Stone House Shelter

The letters lay quietly clandestine in a crawl space long abandoned by a mouse in the early 1920's. How they remained unfound and unclaimed for a century is only a guess. How they were not locked away by the lovers hands after their unfolding is a story that must be footnoted by some unimaginable tragic loss. They are treasures to be passed down to the family who belongs to them.

The home we bought a dozen years ago was left abandoned to be challenged unsuccessfully by the winters and critters of rural York county PA. An old stone farmhouse formidable in the field stone and slate that protect the bones that time was unable to expose. Slate roof, stone painstakingly, back breakingly laid one by one without any form of mechanical advantage in the late 1700's. There is unmitigated fact that ancient historic structures call me. The whisper of a ghost of a long ago tale is mesmerizing and hypnotic. The calling that brings Jews to Mecca, Christians to Jeruselum and me to a past I do not know as my own. I will claim this homes ear for a few decades and then vanish to leave it for someone else.

The letters are a story of war, separation and dreams to be realized at a later time. Except that later time came, passed, and remains unknown.

The secrets, the love, the loss and the abandonment are story lines played over and over. The families who have grown, the fear, the hardship, and the struggle remain for the next generations as they have been for the last. Only she will stand strong to carry the set forward. Only she can see above the little dramas that is the lives we live within her.

Halloween 2016. The kids and candy.

Halloween 2016

Spring 2024. A Party Barn and a New Set Of Twins To Share It All With

  The first warm day calls us all outside. To see, and smell the new life. Frippie likes to lead. reminding me to stop and take pause,,, for...